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Thank You To Our Generous Sponsors


Your support enables the Children’s Autism Center to provide necessary diagnostic services, family support and therapy; and for Seattle Children's Hospital to continue to help ease the financial burden of medical expenses for families served.  

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Support-A-Family $100 $0.00

Support-A-Family $250 $0.00

Support-A-Family $500 $0.00

Support-A-Family $1,000 $0.00

Support-A-Family $2,500 $0.00

Support-A-Family $5,000 $0.00

Support-A-Family $10,000 $0.00

Support-A-Family $15,000 $0.00

Support-A-Family $20,000 $0.00

Support-A-Family $25,000 $0.00

I would like to make a donation
